with the numerous moves and hotel stays i have had the past year and a half, i found myself struggling to sleep at night. when i finally did fall asleep, i woke up feeling unrested. this is not the way anyone wants to start their day. and h e l l o, a girl needs her beauty sleep. after trying every trick in the book, i found the 9 tips below to be most helpful at getting a good night’s rest.

take a hot bath

this is one of my favorite things to do before bed. the warm bath water relaxes your body and muscles and helps you enter that groggy state right before bed. your body temperature rises as you lay in the warm water, so make sure to leave a little bit of time after your bath to allow your body to cool down and be in the ideal state to fall asleep.

skip late night snacks

the sugar and calories in late night snacks may be keeping you up at night. calories are essentially energy. you want your energy to wind down before bed, instead of wind up. if you feel you are hungry, try having a cup of warm tea instead. be sure to leave enough time to use the restroom before bed, so you are not disrupting your sleep cycle with having to get up in the middle of the night. 1-2 hours prior to bed is as close as i would cut it.

you can avoid the urge to snack all together by eating a colorful dinner filled with veggies and a light protein about 4-5 hours before bed. having a well balanced dinner will help prevent late night hunger pangs.

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charge your phone in another room

having electronics in your bedroom is a major no-no. that goes for laptops, ipads, reading devices and cell phones. screen lights trick your brain into thinking it’s daytime. this may cause troubles when it comes time to fall asleep. it also prevents you from feeling the need to answer any messages, e-mails, or social media updates that may stimulate your mind prior to bed. we all do it and we all know we shouldn’t. charging your phone in another room is a great way to finally take action and make moves towards a healthier you.

invest in your bed/bedding

think about it. what is the one place you spend most of your time? your bed! you may [hopefully] not be awake for most of that time, but a good chunk of your life is spent sleeping. mattresses and bedding are items that last a good while. my husband and i have spent many nights in hotels recently and neither of us were sleeping well. we finally got to move into our home and unwrap our tuft and needle mattress and brooklinen bedding and it was a game changer. we are now sleeping like babies. if you’re in the market for new bedding and or a mattress, i can’t say enough good things about both of them. they’re a match made in heaven. jumping into bed has become one of the most relaxing and enjoyable parts of our day. [as it should be.]

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hang out in a room other than your bedroom 1-2 hours prior to bed

according to my doctor, and many studies, the bedroom should be used for sleep and sex only. that’s right, i said it! but really, your bedroom should be your designated place of rest. you wouldn’t be comfortable sleeping in your office, would you? this goes for reading a book in bed, watching late night TV, crossword puzzles, whatever it may be, consider it a no-no. leave your bed as a sleep [or sex] zone only. your body will feel relaxed and ready for bed upon entering your room, which is exactly how you want to feel before bed.

add scents that relax the mind and body to your room

my personal favorite bedtime scents are lavender or chamomile. i use lavender essential oils before bed. i rub some on my wrists and behind my ears about 30 minutes prior to bedtime. it works like a charm every time. the aromas help calm and relax the body. this will get you and your body in the perfect state to get a good night’s rest.

if essential oils are not for you, i recommend trying non-heated infusers, a room spray, or wall plug-in. [if using a wall plug-in, i recommend either turning the scent meter up before bed, or completely unplugging during the day and plug-in 1-2 hours before bed]. you want to avoid using candles before bed because you don’t ever want to fall asleep with a lit candle.

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try going sleep at the same time every night

we’ve all heard it. our bodies like routine. [but not for everything]. try going to bed and waking up around the same time every evening and morning. this will help get your body used to bed time. sounds simple and basic, but sometimes we need the reminder. [i know i sure do!]

turn on a fan

using a fan serves two great purposes. first, our body temperature rises as we sleep. one of the reasons for tossing and turning throughout the night is that we become too hot. this could lead to interruptions in your sleep cycle with you waking up in the middle of the night.

fans help keep you cool throughout the night and help minimize sleep interruptions. [if it initially is too chilly for you, throw on a pair of socks to help keep your feet warm.]

second, a fan’s white noise helps drown out any other surrounding noise that you may be focusing on. as a light sleeper, i tend to hear every creak and cranny happening around me. having white noise helps distract your mind from noises that may be keeping you awake. it works wonders for me. a noise machine or playing music at low volumes work as well.

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getting exercise, whether it is going out for a walk, run or hitting the gym, is said to help you get a better night’s rest. exercise increases your body’s temperature. the drop in body temperature post exercise may promote better sleep. some experts even say exercise helps reset the sleep cycle. exercise has also been linked to helping decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression. both which may cause insomnia and may be keeping you awake at night.

shop my favorite pjs

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xoxo | jasmine



after a mini hiatus, i am officially back. if you have not been following along on snapchat or instagram stories, here’s a little recap: i have spent the last year and a half moving from one place to the other [10 moves total… so much packing and unpacking, then packing and more unpacking. i’m basically a pro these days. have they added this to olympic sports yet? ] throw a wedding [mine] in the mix and a whopping international move to south korea and you have one exhausted lady!

however, we are finally settled into our new 13th floor apartment [13 is not an unlucky number in south korea. 4 on the other hand… ] our lucky 13th floor apartment [that’s what i have decided to call it] was not an easy find. after 7 apartments slipped through our fingers we finally snagged our new lovely home. i’ll be honest, it was not my first choice. the location is amazing and probably the best that we’ve seen, but the interior was definitely not my first choice.

at first, the apartment hunt was exciting. i was bright-eyed and ready to make a home with my husband. then, it quickly became daunting. south korean homes are quite different than the american home. but we kept going, searching for the right one. and then, we found it. and someone else got it before us. so the search continued. more homes, more colorful and intricate wallpaper. and finally, the perfect home was found. and became a home for someone else. this went on and on. until we found our lucky 13th floor apartment.

i had envisioned my first house with my husband [this is the first time for us to be living together]. it was beautiful. it had a large white kitchen and an open living area where we would cuddle up on our oversized couch to a good movie after enjoying a delicious homemade dinner and a bottle of merlot in the dining area. there were accents of gold decor and pictures hung on the walls. i had been decorating it in my mind through all our many moves and i could not wait to call it home. our lucky 13th floor apartment, is not quite what i originally had in mind.

to say i was initially bummed is an understatement. after living out of suitcases and sleeping on one bed one night and another the next, the idea of a home was slipping away. but as we started to unpack into our 8th choice apartment, i realized i had it all wrong. i was getting upset over something that i had no control over. instead of choosing to give thanks in all circumstances, i was bitter that i missed out on what i thought was the best apartment for me. ultimately, i wasn’t trusting in God. the apartments that i thought were great are all serving a better purpose as a home for others.  and our lucky 13th floor apartment is turning out perfect. as my husband and i ate our favorite home cooked meal then cuddled up to watch 30 rock re-runs [ i never finished the series so we started from the beginning] i realized i’m right where i’m supposed to be. i have a roof over my head and a man whom i love and he loves me right by my side. [sappy alert]. what more could a girl want?

my sweet photog husband shot this outfit in our new courtyard. and y’all this off-the-shoulder tassel top is under $20. yup. under $20. don’t let it get away, sizes are going fast! the summer weather in south korea can be scorching hot with a heavy dose of humidity. this top + denim shorts have been a life saver in keeping me cool. i pair them with flats for a more casual day look and throw on a pair of wedges for a more dressed up evening look.

shop the look

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xoxo | jasmine



traveling means something different for everyone. some [like me] get giddy with excitement for wherever the next adventure may be and others are riddled with anxiety because traveling is just not their thing. wherever you may fall among the spectrum, when traveling via airplane or train for long periods of time, it’s important to be prepared. your journey can and will be enjoyable if you bring along a few comforts to keep yourself entertained, full, hydrated and feeling and looking great. below is a list of my top 10 travel necessities that i never travel without.

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ah, new zealand. where does one begin? i’ll do a full blog recap of my travels and tips later, but to give you a snippet, new zealand is amazing. david and i honeymooned in fiji then zipped over to new zealand to explore both the north and south island. the south island was by far my favorite, but the north island sure did have its’ hidden gems.

on this particular day, my new hubby and i [that’s so fun to say :)] went wine tasting outside of queenstown. queenstown  is one of the coolest cities i’ve ever visited. so, i don’t know why i was surprised when the atmosphere of the wineries was just like that of queenstown. everyone was as friendly and easy-going as it comes. most people in the actual town are not from queenstown and have quite interesting and adventurous stories to tell. needless to say, making friends in the area is not a hard thing to do. so if you decide to visit, and i recommend you do, strike up a conversation with a stranger. they won’t stay a stranger for long.

the wine itself is delicious and drumroll please, super inexpensive! the pours are enormous and charcuterie plates are phenomenal. we made it to 3 wineries after getting a late start to our day and this dress was beyond perfect for the occasion.

new zealand weather is rather pleasant. we went during early fall, so the days were warm and the evenings brought a chill. this free people dress was light enough to keep me cool and enough dress to give me a little warmth. the baby blue hues are right on cue with my current blue crush. for whatever reason, i cannot get enough of baby blue these days. bring on all the blues! [i’m wearing an xs for size reference. free people runs just a tad on the large size and i am usually between an xs and s in other clothing]

these marc fisher wedges are the best wedges i have ever slid my size 7.5 feet into. i walked in them for 5+ hours without a single complaint. walked up and down the hills of new zealand and explored through the wineries, and no complaints. i don’t know how they did it, but they did. the most comfortable wedge has been born. these shoes are worth every penny. you can’t put a price tag on this kind of comfort.

now to the clutch. this $22 show-stopping pom pom clutch has sold out at least 3 times this spring. with that being said, i don’t expect it to stay in stock for too long. it’s the perfect spring and summer clutch. the pom poms add a fun summery flair while the large envelope size allows for plenty to fit inside. and at $22, you can’t go wrong. this is the perfect summer staple.

david and i recently moved to south korea and have been house hunting in the area the past month. prayers that we find the right place are always welcome!

xoxo | jasmine


13 items to bring on your wedding day

to avoid murphy’s law taking over your perfect day, i do recommend you come prepared with 13 essential  items [ aside from the obvious such as your dress, shoes and jewelry]. have a few bridesmaids or your maid of honor help with the list to ensure everything makes it to your big day

1) bobby pins

you never know when you will need an extra or two

2) hair spray:

hair is usually done hours before pictures and nobody wants a fly-away photo-bombing them. having some extra hairspray will no doubt come in handy for those last minute touch ups.

3) aerosol deodorant:

with lots of people in a room + heat tools + emotions, things can get a little warm. keep feeling (and smelling) fresh with aerosol deodorant that is shareable. (you never have to make skin contact). this would go great in a bathroom basket as well.

4) band-aids:

the biggest mistake most girls make is buying a new pair of shoes to wear with a wedding or bridesmaid dress and wearing them for the first time on the big day. b r e a k     t h e m     i n but for those that forget, bought the shoes at the last minute or merely didn’t have the time, have those band-aids ready to go! let nothing come between you and that dance floor! your feet will thank you.

5) tissues:

well, because things get emotional.

6) cell phone charger

when you have a full day of primping, prepping and instagramming, this becomes a necessity. extension cords, external battery packs, all are handy in the bridesmaid or groomsmen quarters.

7) advil

 you never know when two advil will save the day! the single packets work  best. these can also be left in both the men’s and women’s restroom for any guests to use as needed.

8) safety pins

dancing happens and bustles rip. you’re not alone. just grab a safety pin or two and keep the night going strong! this is also handy to keep in the women’s restroom for any janet jackson dress mishaps that occur throughout the evening.

9) mints

no one likes talking to the person with smelly breathe. keep it bay with a box of altoids or mints.

10) champagne

because you have to celebrate with a little bubbly!

11) oil blotting sheets

these come in handy around picture time. they are a great last minute touchup to ensure you look flawless.

12) speakers

if wherever you decide to get ready does not have a speaker, ask a bridesmaid to pack one along with their bag. pack the charger, just in case, too. a dead speaker won’t do anyone much good. you can call your venue, hotel, etc to check on their music playing capabilities beforehand.

13) mini-sewing kit

because life happens.

tip* with so many girls and make up brushes all in one space, be sure to pack your belongings in an easy to use bag. especially for the bride if leaving for a honeymoon the very next day. things can get hectic while trying to stick to a timeline, so staying organized and having everyone stay on top of their own belongings will pay off at the end of the night.

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a snippet into my big day of

there’s no denying it, planning your dream wedding is a lot of work. by the time you’ve decided between the white shimmer linen or the extra white shimmer linen, 3 decision deadlines have passed you by. it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. the best piece of advice i received was this, once a decision is made, stick with it. you could go back and forth all day long and with the help of pintrest and everyone else’s opinion, every decision you make is second guessed. just remember, you do you. and once you decide on something because it’s how you would like it, stick with it. clearly, that’s easier said than done, but a good goal [and time saver] to keep in mind.

one of the most exciting parts of the planning process is planning the morning of your big day. the timeline of hair, make-up and transportation can be a beating, but deciding on getting ready outfits and getting ready playlists can be such a blast! music is always a must for me. it sets the tone and gets the party going. i had my best friend work on a playlist a couple months leading up to the big day and she did not disappoint. we had pump up songs with a fun mix of throwbacks that got every girl in the room singing along. you can never go wrong with a good throwback.

with music duty off my plate, i searched local stores and websites for the perfect outfit to get ready in. i may have over-searched because i ended up finding two. after making so many decisions i decided this was one decision i was going to forego. so, i chose both.

me and the girls had a slumber party the night before and i was so thankful to have them there. in my head we were going to stay up all night long and jump on the bed while dancing to music in our cute pj’s, but in reality we chatted, spent some unforgettable quality time together and got a good nights rest. we all had a long day coming up!

our morning started with hair. to make things a little easier and speedier with 12 bridesmaids, i rented out blo bar. for our morning outfit choice, i chose oversize shirts that are incredibly soft and comfortable and asked all the girls to wear white jeans. it turned out perfect. the shirts were monogrammed with each girls’ initials and complemented the jeans perfectly. not mention, everyone was comfy and was able to change clothes without ruining their hair. [button up shirts are awesome for this!]

from hair, we went back to our hotel for lunch, then to our venue for make up. this is where outfit number two came in. after finding my white romper, there was no turning back for me. i knew i had to wear it. then i found the most perfect black rompers that complimented my white bridal romper. there was no doubt in my mind about choosing both looks. i don’t exactly recommend it, but no regrets. to my knowledge the day ran smoothly. if there were any hiccups, i didn’t know about them and quite frankly don’t think i want to know about them 🙂

shop getting ready outfits

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shop sleepwear outfits [with the girls]

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xoxo | jasmine
