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the one question i ask myself before i buy anything is always, “is it comfortable?” let’s face it, some pieces may look beautiful and glamorous on, but if it’s not comfortable, will you actually wear it? or better yet, will you actually want to wear it?
i fell into this trap one new year’s eve when purchasing an all sequined dress. the cost was just right, and i felt like a hollywood star walking down the red carpet in it. however, was it comfy? no. i knew this, but i figured if it looks this good, then beauty is pain, right? no. beauty should not be that kind of pain.
30 minutes into the evening, i was feeling the music and letting myself dance to my hearts’ content. this lasted all of 5 minutes after my uncomfortable dress somehow turned against me. as i was moving my arms up and down to the beat of the music, it just so happens that my arms were also moving to the sharp edges of the sequins on my dress.
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