for as long as i can remember, i have always wanted to travel to hawaii. crazy enough, we planned this trip only 4 hours before before flying out. not quite how i imagined it going, but i wouldn’t have changed a thing!

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“when life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. and when life is bitter, say thank you and grow”

shuana neiquist

if you’ve been following along on this incredible journey of optimism, then you know we are nearing two weeks of embracing each day with a new perspective. a perspective of joy, hope and gratitude.

my journey has taught me so much about gratitude. over the past few days, i’ve gained a greater appreciation for the things and people right in front of me. it’s so easy to always look to the future, or constantly think about the “what’s next?” starting each day with an optimistic view has taught me to be more present in the now. to make the most of each situation, each encounter and each moment.

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