hey there! how has your new year been? have you stuck to your resolutions? if one of those resolutions was to have a healthier lifestyle, eat better, move your body more and overall just feel better every day, same.

step one for me towards that goal was obviously to dress the part. so naturally i picked up a few workout pieces that would motivate me to wear them to the gym. and not just the couch. iykyk. step two was joining a boot camp of sorts to help kick myself into gear and really get working on my goals. i guess you could say step two was the important one. 😉
shop some of my favorite workout pieces
first things first, let’s talk about the name. the FASTerwaytofatloss. no, that does not mean an overnight gimmicky and speedy way to lose weight, only to put on twice as much days later. the FASTerwaytofatloss is a program all about using intermittent fasting methods. methods that allow you to continue to eat, live and are easy to incorporate into your routine day in and day out.
intermittent fasting is something i used to actually do for years. i had no idea what it was called at the time. i was just adhering to an eating schedule that made me feel better, sleep better, and maintain focus throughout the day. somewhere over the years, and throughout the pandemic, i stopped. and let me tell you— i can feel the difference.
back to the program, you know i would never sugar coat something if i truly was not into it. so here’s my real, strong, tea. i loved the program. it took me about a week or two, to fully dive deep into it. i started off slow. but now i feel like i know how to listen to my body, understand my cues, and most importantly, drink enough water in day.

i’m going to continue the program for another month or two, because i really want to continue on a path that i can easily adapt into a routine. and this program is definitely designed for that.
so what’s intermittent fasting? the answer is simple, it’s eating between certain hours during the day. while fasting for approximately 12-16 hours a day. on most days, i go the full 16. before you gasp, the hours you are asleep count towards that. so when you think about it, it really is an attainable goal! it’s not skipping any meals, just eating your meals during a certain time frame to allow your body to do what it does best. on days that i was with family, or eating dinner with friends (those tend to go past my preferred granny dinner time of 6 PM), i adjusted accordingly and resumed intermittent fasting as normal the next day, or planned a cheat day around that event. see, told you it was very easy to incorporate into everyday life.

shop my look here
now let’s get down to the program. i can honestly say it’s a program that sets you up for success. you get access to a coach, a community facebook group and the app. let’s dive deeper into the app because it is my favorite thing.
the app might as well be google. it has just about everything you need. you can select a new workout daily. you can choose at home workouts or in the gym workouts—they’re all a ?
kicking. you can find an entire meal plan that is delicious, or search for different recipes. i love to cook, so have been using the recipes feature quite a bit, and have been so impressed. not to mention, there are so many to choose from. (and yes, an entire vegetarian tab, too)

the app also helps you to breakdown your daily macros so you can fuel your body properly. i quickly realized when i ate according to what macros my body needed, i actually felt fuller, longer. i craved less sweets, and overall just felt good. there are daily food logs where you can input everything you ate in a particular day (or plan ahead so you know all your macros are met).

but wait, there’s more! no seriously. this program has thought of everything. on top of the app, did i also mention there are tons of information videos on it, your coach will send you daily emails that both encourage you to make a healthy lifestyle change and hold you accountable to do it. there are also challenge weeks that help you reset along the way. you can text your coach at any time you need, with any questions you have. alternatively, you can post a question, a win, or a need for motivation in a community (and private) facebook group that has others going through the same program with you, and your coach!

i joined the FASTerway because i know after the pandemic i lost some of my healthy habits. i did not want a quick way to lost 10 lbs. i wanted to better my lifestyle and instill healthy habits that would last. some of the major benefits and take always from the program that i’ve gained are:
- spending less money at the grocery store and less product waste—hello to you weekly meal planning!
- sleeping better at night. i’m typically very energized by food. intermittent fasting helps me stop eating late at night which avoids energizing my body when it should be winding down for rest. it somehow also helps me wake up with focus!
- getting in the habit to move my body. the daily emails and encouragement from the app and facebook community have really helped me find the motivation to move my body. even if it’s not a massive gym workout that i come home dripping in sweat from. as long as i move my body, then i’m doing good for my body.
- a habit of drinking water. this is a big one. i grew up playing competitive soccer, so naturally i drank a lot of water because i was constantly running around and needed it. as i stopped working out so intensely, i only drank water when i felt ‘thirsty’ and often times let myself get dehydrated. the daily food logs really helped me stay consistent with my daily water intake, and it has made such a difference. i feel better all around, i know my skin appreciates it, and i realized there were times i would reach for a snack when really my body was asking for some water.
if you’re looking to reset your habits to more healthy ones, or looking to trim down and tone then i definitely would recommend joining the FASTerway program. i’m seeing my long-lost abs starting to come back through and i’m greeting them with open arms! the things i’ve learned through this program are definitely habit forming and methods you can apply to everyday life, easily.
this post was in collaboration with FASTerwaytofatloss