as you all know, i recently participated in the Frost Bank, Opt for Optimism Challenge. so for 30 days, my inbox delivered a sweet little e-mail with a simple optimistic task. on one day i was asked to write a letter to someone i cared about, another i was asked to tidy up a small space. each day was different, and each day was a beautiful reminder that life can be as good as you make it and well, you can make it pretty good.

i’ve always considered myself an optimist, a glass half full kind of girl. however, after participating in this 30 day challenge, i’ve realized there is always room for improvement. especially as we get older, and our lives get more complicated. starting each day with a random act of optimism changed my perspective for the day. no matter what was on the agenda, the stresses and pressures seemed to magically ease. it was an incredible discovery.

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“when life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. and when life is bitter, say thank you and grow”

shuana neiquist

if you’ve been following along on this incredible journey of optimism, then you know we are nearing two weeks of embracing each day with a new perspective. a perspective of joy, hope and gratitude.

my journey has taught me so much about gratitude. over the past few days, i’ve gained a greater appreciation for the things and people right in front of me. it’s so easy to always look to the future, or constantly think about the “what’s next?” starting each day with an optimistic view has taught me to be more present in the now. to make the most of each situation, each encounter and each moment.

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i can honestly say that i have never been this excited to join a campaign. i can finally announce that i’m partnering with Frost Bank to kick off The 30-Day Optimism Challenge.

seriously cannot contain my excitement for this one. i’ve always considered myself a glass half full kind of girl, but that doesn’t mean i don’t have my glass half empty kind of days. which happens every once in a while because, well, life happens. when i’m having those glass half empty kind of days, i do my best to surround myself with reminders of positivity, or things that bring me joy. some of those things include, bright colors, sunshine and popsicles. i have a slight obsession with popsicles, and who can have a bad

day with a popsicle in hand!?

to be completely honest, i wasn’t having the best of days before these photos were taken. the crazy heat topped with even crazier humidity wasn’t helping either. View Post
