17-mile drive * point lobos * big sur
my girlfriends and i all anxiously awaited the weekend of november 21st, the weekend one of our dear friends was to marry her best friend (cliche… ya ya.) not only were we all thrilled for her to start this new chapter of life, but thrilled to be a part of it in the beautiful city of carmel, california.
after about a dozen flight changes, i boarded a plane to san francisco where i met up with two other wedding go-ers and we immediately drove towards carmel in a hottstuff rental from maryland, which we conveniently named mary. on the way to carmel we made a quick detour along the 17-mile drive. the sights were beautiful, but somehow we went from mile 5 to mile 17 in the blink of an eye. i couldn’t tell ya what happened to the miles in between those stops, but with my directional skills or rather lack of, i can’t say i’m the least bit surprised.
the drive was filled with curves, twists and beautiful oceanic views. it goes through the famous carmel valley golf course which i hear is quite the hotspot for golfers. we stopped many times along the way to enjoy the view and snap a picture to commemorate it. it was well worth the ten dollar entry fee.
shameless selfie pole action |
after our 17 turned 6 mile drive we headed to our cute little airbnb atop a mountain fully equipped with a perfect view, greenhouse and hot tub, to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. the views, the food and the friendship were incredible. it was a beautiful evening spent honoring an even more beautiful bride and groom.
– point lobos –
the wedding was set for mid-afternoon the next day. to take full advantage of our surroundings, i chipperly (seriously.. i’m overly chipper in the mornings) woke everyone up at 7am sharp (really it’s only 9am texas time.. not too shabby) to go for a run at point lobos. it was raining outside, but our parade paraded on. proud of you, friends!! we drove about 30 minutes from where we were staying to point lobos, paid another ten dollar entry fee, parked and began the hike.
rain or not, this was my favorite way to start the day. the views were amazing and the rocks were a blast to climb on. there were many times we stopped our jog just to admire the beauty around us… and take a breather. my favorite part was watching and listening to the waves crash on the rocks. quite easily the best spot for a nap. unfortunately napping was not on the days’ agenda.
let it rain let it rain let it rain |
from reading reviews and asking around, point lobos visitors boasted about the abundance of sea otters and wildlife. perhaps it was the rain, but the only wildlife we were fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of were a number birds and a little bunny rabbit hopping along. thanks for coming out to say hi sea otters…
after our little rain adventure, we all showered up and went into the town of carmel for a wine tasting and a little shopping. the locals are wonderful and friendly and ready to give recommendations at any given moment. it was a quick little trip before we headed back to get wedding-ready.
our pre dance party… girls just want to have f-u-n |
the reception took place at carmel valley ranch and it was a breathtaking venue. a girl couldn’t ask for anymore. the rain that drenched us earlier in the day cleared up just in time for the lovely bride and groom to say their i do’s. after a beautiful ceremony we had a scrumptious dinner and danced the night away with the help of an open bar..
how stunning did this beauty look?! |
the next morning came quickly and i was back up at 7am sharp, this time with big sur on the mind! i was only able to rally one other to join me, but one was all i needed. being a last minute kind of person, we hopped in the car and googled “big sur”. gps claimed big sur to be an hour and half away. kelsey and i both looked at each other and said “we’re not driving that far”. instead we decided to drive along highway 1 to take in the views. we stopped every 15 minutes or so to take pictures and get out of the car to look around. somewhere along the drive and all the “let’s go just a little furthers” we made it to big sur and i am so thankful we did. big sur is one of the most remarkable sights i have ever seen. the water is a gorgeous aqua blue and the waves thrashing against the rocks give such a sense of serenity. it truly is a sight to see.
we caught the sunrise |
unfortunately our “quick” drive down highway 1 turned into a long adventure, so we hopped back in the car and drove (the speed limit of course) back to carmel to meet up with the sleeping beauties.
we enjoyed a big group brunch and some more carmel city adventures with perfect fall weather. it’s no secret that california has some amazing sights, but some things you just have to see for yourself.
my girls |
have leaves, will play |
destination weddings are a blast. you are with a large group of friends in a lovely city… take advantage of it. sure there are going to be wedding festivities, but why can’t you treat it like a vacation? waking up early to see and experience the city was completely worth it. after all, you can catch up on sleep at home.
until next time |
a huge thank you and congrats to the lovely davenports! so blessed to be a part of your special day.
be brave enough to live life creatively. the creative place where no one else has ever been.
alan alda