a thank you to all veterans

“this post has been sponsored by American Greetings. all thoughts and opinions are my own.”

Veteran’s Day is a day that holds special meaning for me. it’s a day to celebrate those that risk their lives so we can live freely. so, when i get the chance to thank a veteran, i take it. when i get the chance to make them feel special on a day honoring them, i take it.

as an army wife, i feel like i get to glimpse into a whole new world called military life where they speak a foreign language called acronyms. i’ll be honest, half the time [okay, most of the time], i have no idea what is going on or what most things actually mean. but i do understand the long hours, the hard work, the dedication and the sacrifice.

and i do understand there are many acronyms that i am very thankful for, like AAFES Exchange, who lives up to their mission which includes, “where you go we go…” even when overseas,i can have a little piece of home and shop for both everyday and specialty items.

this Veteran’s Day, i’ll be thanking soldiers for just that; for their late nights, for their hard work miles away from family and friends, and for the bravery it takes to do what they do day in and day out.

one thing no one can turn down [well, no one on a diet or working up to a PT test] is a delicious homemade baked good. so this year, i’ll be busy cooking up some delicious cookies and brownies [i make a mean brownie] and stopping by my local AAFES Exchange to pick up American Greetings Cards to pass out to those i’m thankful for. i’ve always loved the traditional aspect of card giving. American Greetings Cards are some of my favorites because they help go the extra mile when saying thank you, especially to my husband for his service. you can find your local AAFES Exchange here!

this year, I have the opportunity to provide a little warmth and some friendly greetings to those currently serving overseas in South Korea.

the job itself comes with many challenges. living overseas only adds to that list. a new country, a new language and a very limited amount of familiar faces can be tough. thoughtful acts of kindness can go a very long way.

so this year, whether you’re stateside, in your hometown, or miles and miles from it, make sure to swing by your local AFES Exchange for an American Greetings thank you card to thank a special someone. check out this link here for inspiration and tips on what to write! whether you know them, are related to them, are married to them, or are a complete stranger, let’s all spread kindness and gratitude this Veteran’s Day.


xoxo | jasmine



  1. Rach DiMare
    October 26, 2018 / 8:53 am

    Aww I love this post! And I totally agree that we should honor all those who have served!


  2. Liz
    October 26, 2018 / 10:02 am

    Aw I love this so much! I have so many veterans in my family (and some that are still serving). Great Idea!

  3. October 26, 2018 / 2:15 pm

    This is so sweet! I can’t imagine being an army wife and I know your husband and all the troops appreciate your support!


  4. October 26, 2018 / 2:21 pm

    Love this! I’m so thankful for all our troops. I’ll have to stop by and send a card!


  5. legalleeblondeblog
    October 26, 2018 / 3:04 pm

    So nice of you to give back and make a difference where you feel it’s needed!

  6. October 26, 2018 / 8:42 pm

    This is such a sweet post! So grateful for our military and the members and families that sacrifice for us all!

    cute & little

  7. October 27, 2018 / 11:54 am

    I love this post, I have so much respect for our troops so this is a nice thing to see!

    ~Sarah Lindner

  8. Adaleta Avdić
    October 28, 2018 / 11:09 am

    Yes, I so agree – showering our troops with love is so needed.

  9. October 28, 2018 / 1:11 pm

    This is such a neat post! I loved reading about what you are doing as a thank-you. It’s so important to remember all the hard work and sacrifice our military makes to keep us safe!

  10. E
    October 29, 2018 / 12:15 pm

    What a sweet, heartfelt post

  11. October 31, 2018 / 11:32 am

    Aw this is just the sweetest! Love that you shared this lady!

    xo Laura Leigh
    Louella Reese

  12. Erika K.
    November 1, 2018 / 3:05 pm

    I always cry whenever I see people remembering our troops ,especially on the holidays they need our support .As a mother of a sergeant in the United States Army I couldn’t be more proud of my son. Thanks for all you do for this country!!!! Erika K.

    • November 6, 2018 / 4:14 am

      that is the sweetest. thank YOU and your son for all your sacrifices! they are so greatly appreciated!!!