greys + hats = worry free


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| shirt: free people | jeans: joe’s | clutch: clare .v | shoes: dolcevita | watch: danielwellington | hat: topshop |

photography by: angiegarciaphotography

this week has been another whirlwind and there is still half of it left. in stressful situations, i find myself worrying more than ever. but what i’ve come to realize is that worrying about the minor things and what the future may bring only adds weight to the issues at hand. life is such a beautiful gift. why weigh it down and waste it worrying? how is worrying actually going to change the outcome of a situation? it doesn’t and it won’t. it only robs you of the precious moments you could have spent enjoying life. i can tell myself this over and over again [the best advice is your own advice, right?] yet still, i find myself worrying. worrying about what my life will be like the next year, where my next move may be, what am i going to eat for lunch, when am i going to have time to catch up on the blacklist, when do i have time to schedule that appointment, etc.. some are more important concerns than others, but what i’ve come to realize is, worrying about any of them is one big waste of time.

i am constantly having to remind myself that as long as i am prepared with the full armor of Christ, then all will be well. a part of my new years resolution is to create more memories. more joyous memories. looking back as i was dancing down the sidewalk in this carefree and casual outfit is just one more reminder, life can be so full of love and happiness. worrying simply gets in the way. so with a big smile on my face i’m saying, “see ya worries, i’m officially throwing you out the window!” [well, working on it.. :)]

so do not worry, saying, ‘what shall we eat?’ or ‘what shall we drink?’ or ‘what shall we wear?’
for the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. each day has enough trouble of its own.

matthew 6:31-34

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xo jasmine
